As you probably noticed, I spiffed up the page a bit. The picture featured behind the title came from this tramp, done in mid-May. This tramp was a last second decision. Our intended destination had an unfavorable weather forecast for the weekend, so we went somewhere with some better odds of sunshine. At the beginning of May it rained nearly every day (9 of the first 11 or something like that). Nearby, the
Coromandel Peninsula was looking clear for the weekend, and the Pinnacles hike looked worthwhile. A short drive to the start of the trail and a short walk inland brought us to the Pinnacles Hut, which looks as nice as some of the hostels I've stayed in.
NZ has a great
backcountry hut system. I can't say for certain, but I don't know of anything like these huts in the US. This is a very accessible hut, and it sleeps 80. From the hut, there is a steep climb involving a series of stairs, ladders, and pegs in rocks to the top of the Pinnacles. about halfway up, the ocean came into view. Eventually the whole peninsula was stretched out before us; definitely worth the relatively easy hike. The hike also had interesting history as an old logging route. One method of getting the logs out of the mountains involved building a dam, throwing the logs behind it, and then busting the dam. Sounds labor intensive.
Looking out on the Pacific
Top of the Pinnacles
Another good look at the countryside
Myself, Joe, and Kevin (Maura deserves an award for putting up with us)
Also, I think Dad will like to hear I now know how to play Euchre. Playing cards is the pastime of choice in the huts, and I've loved learning more games. As you can see in this picture, NZ is pretty chilly by the time May comes around. It also looks like Joe and I went shopping together.
When did you do all of these?? I thought I was checking regularly, guess not! Ha What energy you have!